This hair removal device combines four different wavelengths of laser technology: 755nm, 808nm, 940nm and 1064nm. Unggal tempat gelombang dioptimalkeun pikeun jinis kulit sareng warna rambut. This means that no matter your skin color or hair thickness, you can find the hair removal solution that suits you best. The flexible application of four-wavelength technology ensures the efficiency and accuracy of the hair removal process, while greatly reducing the potential damage to the surrounding skin. -
Alexandrite laser hair removal works by emitting a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles. Énergi LASER dirobah ku panas, anu ngaruksak folikel rambut, ngahambat rambut medikan. The dual wavelengths of 755nm and 1064nm target different depths of the hair follicles, ensuring effective treatment for various skin and hair types. The integrated cooling system cools the surrounding skin, minimizing discomfort and protecting it from thermal damage.
There are a dazzling array of laser hair removal machines on the market, and prices vary greatly depending on the configuration. Profid panylotol rambut anu laser ieu ngenalkeun téknologi Ai sareng dilengkepan nganggo sistem deteksi rambut anu paling maju sareng rencana anu paling tiasa dianggo dina kaayaan kulit sareng rambut. The client's skin and hair condition. Konsumén tiasa interif tiasa ningali kaayaan kulit sareng rambutna ngaliwatan tablet, anu ngagolongkeun interaksi sareng komunikasi antara dokter sareng pasien sareng ningkatkeun pangalaman pamaké.